Thursday, 13 October 2016

Parent Council and Fundraising Society Meeting - Wednesday, October 19

All parents are welcome to attend the Parent Council and Fundraising Society meeting on Wednesday, October 19. The meetings are held in the Rosemont School library and start at 6:30 pm. The agendas for both meetings are listed below.  

This meeting we are giving some extra time to Su-Anne to talk and answer questions. She'll be speaking specifically to the school's literacy and math plans and security and saftey. Feel free to come late or leave early if you need to. Please spread the word and encourage everyone to attend! If you haven't already, this is a great chance to meet our new Principal!


Parent Council Agenda

School Councils provide a means for parents and community to work together with administration, staff and students, to promote the well-being and overall effectiveness of the school community. Its main role is advisory.
  1. To help build a sense of community within Rosemont School.
  2. To develop and promote our school’s presence within the larger community.
  3. To promote parent involvement at Rosemont School.
  4. To enhance the educational experiences of students at Rosemont School.
  5. To develop a school financial plan to support chosen initiatives.

Date:                   Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Location:            Rosemont School library
Time:                  6:30 p.m.

----- AGENDA ---
  1. Call Meeting to Order
Welcome and Introductions

  1. Approval of Agenda


  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting

Click here for the September minutes.
  1. Business Arising from Minutes
Vacant Board Positions - Vote
CBE Key Communicator position click here
  1. Council meeting recommendations and communication survey
Click here for the Rosemont Meeting Recommendations
  1. Halloween Party Update

  1. Teachers Report

  1. Principal’s Report
Topics will include Calgary Reads, Math/STEM, Security/Safety
  1. Meeting Adjourned


  1. Next Meeting
November 16 2016

Topic: School Development Plan

Here are the proposed Council Meeting Recommendations.

Vacant School Council board positions:

Key Communicator
The Key Communicator will:
  • Serve as a liaison between School Council and the CBE 
  • Build and enhances a connection between parents/school communities and the system, as well as helping to ensure that parents are kept informed of opportunities and resources available to them
  • Attend Key Communicator meetings and workshops as necessary -  Contributes to school newsletter as required
Approximate time commitment – 2 hours per month

Healthy Learners Initiative Coordinator 
The Healthy Learners Initiative Coordinator will:  
  • Act as a contact between the school and Healthy Learners Program (CBE) 
  • Apply for funding through the HLP to support initiatives within the school. 
  • Ensure initiatives support active living, eating well and valuing others (i.e. yoga, DJD, winter walk, ride your bike to school day) 
  • Work with lunch program to provide healthy snacks for all students. (Fruit tree, veggies, yogurt and cheese) 
  • Develop and encourage new programs to support a healthy learning environment. 
  • Communicate and coordinate with principle on a regular basis 
Approximate time commitment – 1–2 hours per month on shopping and planning activities.


Fundraising Society Agenda

Goal of Society:
To generate funds to create an optimal learning environment for our 21st century learners.  This includes facilitating information literacy and generating global awareness among all students, allowing students to represent understanding in multiple forms, and ensuring that students learn to become critical thinkers.  Funds raised through the society will be used to purchase books, equipment, update technology, hire guest instructors/artists in residence, fund field trips, etc.

Date:                   Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Location:            Rosemont School library
Time:                   7:30 p.m.

----- AGENDA ---
  1. Call Meeting to Order
Dan Collins

  1. Approval of Agenda

Dan Collins

  1. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

JJ Kayande
Click for the minutes from the September meeting and the revised May minutes .
  1. Business Arising from Minutes
a)     Open Positions

JJ Kayande
Review positions available to interested members
  1. Treasurer’s Report
Mel Gallant
Update on Financial Position
  1. Naturalization Coordinatior Report
Hanna Cedergren
  1. Approve fundraising guideline 
Dan Collins
Address final questions, concerns, debate if required. 
Click Here for the final guideline document.
  1. Q&A and Other Business (if time available)

  1. Meeting Adjourned


  1. Next Meeting
November 16, 2016

Vacant Fundraising Society position:

Fundraising Coordinator 
The Fundraising Coordinator takes the lead on any non-casino fundraising efforts that we do at the school. Duties include: 
  • Looking into potential fundraisers that have been suggested from the parent body, and then bringing that information to the Rosemont Fundraising Society for discussion. 
  • Working with a point person (lead volunteer) on each fundraiser. Getting updates with regards to orders, profit, volunteers, delivery etc. Ensuring things are on track so that each fundraiser is set up to succeed. 
  • Presenting fundraising updates at regular Rosemont Fundraising Society meetings.