Wednesday 15 February 2017

CBE K-12 Math Strategy Engagement Opportunities

K-12 Math Strategy Engagement

The The CBE is developing a K-12 mathematics strategy and they want to hear from parents/guardians on what they should consider when writing the strategy.

Parents/guardians are vital partners in their children’s learning, and the CBE wants to better understand what parents need from the school and system levels, as well as to learn how they can work better together to support student learning in math.

An online survey will be available from February 22 to March 15. Please register at the CBE Math Strategy website to receive an email to notify you when the survey is available to fill out. In addition to the online survey, there are in-person engagement sessions but many locations have filled up quickly. The on-line survey asks the same questions that are being discussed at the in-person sessions.

The online survey is now available. Please click on the survey website link to fill out the survey.