Tuesday 8 September 2015

Welcome to School Council and Fundraising Society

The School Council and Fundraising Society meet 7 times a year on Wednesday evenings in the library.  The schedule for the 2015-2016 year is:
September 16, 2015
October 21, 2015
November 18, 2015
January 20, 2016
March 16, 2016
April 20, 2016
May 18, 2016

The organization of the groups is separate, but meetings are held back-to-back.  The two meetings usually take about 2 hours total, but interested parents are encouraged to come even if you can’t stay for the full 2 hours.  All parents and caregivers of Rosemont students are members of the School Council and Fundraising Society – all you have to do is show up.

At the School Council meetings, Principal and a Teacher or one of the other Staff always give reports on what is going on at the school, and the council discusses upcoming events.  The School Council sponsors events like the Welcome Back Breakfast (September 9), a Halloween Carnival, a Movie Night, and an end-of-year Staff Appreciation Lunch.  The meetings are also a chance for parents to discuss suggestions or concerns.  We appreciate your help with our activities, whether or not you attend the meetings – every little bit makes a positive difference for our school.

At the Fundraising Society meetings, there is a discussion of the budget and fundraising initiatives.  Currently, the Fundraising Society is working on a major effort: raising over $100,000 for a new playground.

The meetings are a great chance to meet other parents and learn about what’s happening at the school (and sometimes we have snacks).