Each class completed a painting or set of paintings that were inspired by local and national artists. All the paintings will be on display in the library during the Rosemont Market event and tickets for the raffle will be available for purchase: 1/$10 or 3/$20.
Enter your purchased tickets into a draw for the artwork of your choice, and have a chance of winning 1 of 6 large canvases or 4 smaller triptych sets! The draw will be held at the conclusion of the conferences and winners will be contacted to arrange for pick up of the artwork.
Here are the images and descriptions of each of the paintings you can enter a raffle ticket for:
Grade 4/5 Ms. Reschke/Ms. Brar
Grade 5 Ms. Hirl-Johnson
Grade 4 Ms. Campbell
Grade 3 Ms. Connell
Grade 2 Ms. Mclean
Grade 1 Ms. Amanda
Grade 1 Mr. Careclakis - 3 Triptych sets
Note: Enter one raffle ticket per Triptych set