Friday, 21 September 2018

Rosemont School Council and Fundraising Society Meeting - Wednesday, September 26

All parents are welcome to attend the Rosemont School Council (RSC) and Fundraising Society (RFS) meeting on Wednesday, Seotember 26, 2018. The meetings are held in the Rosemont School library. The Parent Council will meet first at 6:30PM, followed by the Fundraising Society at 7:30 PM.

The minutes from the previous School Council and Fundraising Society meeting, held on May 23, can be found by clicking on this link:

All parents are welcome to attend the meeting and get involved, so please forward this message to anyone interested. Specifically, we are still looking to fill the following volunteer roles:

 (1) RSC Secretary
 (2) RSC Key Communicator
 (3) RSC Volunteer Coordinator
 (4) 2019/2020 Welcome Back Breakfast
 (5) Halloween Party – Food
 (6) Casino Co-Chair
 (7) Library Support
 (8) Wee Reads Program
 (9) Council of School Councils (COSC) – Key Communicator

If you are interested, or know of someone interested please feel free to send an email to or attend the meeting next week for more information.

School Council & Fundraising Society Agenda

Rosemont RFS/RSC Calendar for the 2018-2019 school year

Thursday, 13 September 2018

2018 Rosemont Painting Raffle

On September 20 and 21, during the parent-teacher conference, you have a chance to enter to WIN one of the beautiful paintings that were created by Rosemont students in collaboration with local artist Marcia Harris during the spring 2018 artist residency!!

Each class completed a painting or set of paintings that were inspired by local and national artists.  All the paintings will be on display in the library during the Rosemont Market event and tickets for the raffle will be available for purchase: 1/$10 or 3/$20.

Enter your purchased tickets into a draw for the artwork of your choice, and have a chance of winning 1 of 6 large canvases or 4 smaller triptych sets! The draw will be held at the conclusion of the conferences and winners will be contacted to arrange for pick up of the artwork.

Here are the images and descriptions of each of the paintings you can enter a raffle ticket for:

Grade 4/5 Ms. Reschke/Ms. Brar

Grade 5 Ms. Hirl-Johnson

Grade 4 Ms. Campbell

Grade 3 Ms. Connell

Grade 2 Ms. Mclean

Grade 1 Ms. Amanda

Grade 1 Mr. Careclakis - 3 Triptych sets

Note: Enter one raffle ticket per Triptych set

Kindergarten Class Ms. Hector

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Rosemont Market - September 20 & 21

Rosemont Market

School Library during parent-teacher conferences
Thursday September 20, 4:30pm-8:00pm
Friday September 21, 8:00am–12:00pm

While you attend your child’s first parent-teacher conference please take a few moments to visit the library and check out the Rosemont Market. The market will include the following exciting items:

2018 Painting Raffle: 

This is your chance to have a close look at and enter to WIN one of the beautiful paintings that were created by Rosemont students in collaboration with local artist Marcia Harris during the spring 2018 artist residency!! Each class completed a painting or set of paintings that were inspired by local and national artists. For more details on each painting please see All the paintings will be on display in the library during the event and tickets for the raffle will be available for purchase: 1/$10 or 3/$20. Enter your purchased tickets into a draw for the artwork of your choice, and have a chance of winning 1 of 6 large canvases or 4 smaller triptych sets! The draw will be held at the conclusion of the conferences and winners will be contacted to arrange for pick up of the artwork.

World Change Club Basket Raffle:

This basket was donated by the World Change Club (grades 4-6) and includes handmade cards/art prints, candles, soap, a handmade blanket and more. See the contents for yourself and put one of your raffle tickets in for a chance to win this amazing basket!

Rosemont Wear: 

Rosemont merchandise samples will be on hand for sizing and pre-order! There are a few NEW items in addition to all the excellent choices we had last year. The deadline for ordering this batch of Rosemont wear is September 21st . They will be delivered to the school the week of October 9th. See for the full list of what is available.

Mabel’s Labels:

Ordering labels from Mabel’s Labels gives 20% of sales back to the Fundraising Society. They have all types of labels to make sure your kids’ stuff comes home – even a customisable clothing stamp! Go to to support our school. Click on “Support a Fundraiser” in the top right-hand corner then select Rosemont School (Calgary) from the drop down menu under the select your School/Organization tab. Or follow this link:

School Grounds Improvement Plan:

Last year the School Grounds Improvement Committee worked for and received a $5000 Parks Foundation grant allowing us to hire ReGenerate to create a long-term plan for our school grounds. This year the team is working towards building the first phase! The plan will be on display for a close look and members of the committee will be on hand to answer questions.

Volunteer Opportunities:

There are many opportunities to get more involved at the school. All the above projects are thanks to our volunteers. At the Market we will have information about: Rosemont School Council, the Rosemont Fundraising Society, and many other volunteer opportunities. Learn what they are and how you can get involved!

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Welcome Back Breakfast - Thursday, September 13

It’s time for our annual Welcome Back Breakfast on Thursday, September 13th from 7:45 to 9:00.  Please be sure to join us with your child for this event.  It is a great chance to meet new families and visit with our returning Rosemont families.  

Please RSVP to the following link so that we can plan for numbers:

If you are able to volunteer to help with this event, please sign up at the link below:

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Mabel's Labels Fundraiser


Welcome back to the 2018-2019 school year! With the fall and winter season approaching, there will be a lot of extra clothing traveling back and forth to school with your children. 

Mabel’s Labels offers affordably priced, excellent quality, personalized labels that can be used for almost anything: water bottles, backpacks, lunch bags and containers.

They also have labels specifically for clothing use that are durable and washable. They are an excellent way to ensure your child’s clothing and lunch stuff stay out of the lost and found. If you order through Rosemont School, you can help raise funds for the school as well!

Simply go to and click on the “Support a fundraiser” button. Scroll down the School/Organization tab and select Rosemont School and 20% commission goes to the Rosemont Fundraising Society. 

Thanks for your support! 

The following screen images will step you through on how to reach the Rosemont Mabel Label Fundraiser page.

1) Click on the "Support a Fundraiser" button in the upper right hand corner of the website.

2) Scroll down the School/Organization field and select "Rosemont School (Calgary)"

3) Now you can order your labels from the Rosemont School Fundraiser page