Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Rosemont School Council and Fundraising Society Meeting - Wednesday, March 21

All parents are welcome to attend the Rosemont School Council (RSC) and Fundraising Society (RFS) meeting on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. The meetings are held in the Rosemont School library. The Parent Council will meet first at 6:30PM, followed by the Fundraising Society at 7:30 PM.

The School Council and Fundraising Society meetings are open to everyone. Simply attend council meetings and learn what is happening at our school (eg. Principal's report). You do not need to volunteer or sign up for committees in order to attend the meetings. Feel free to come late or leave early if you need to.

The minutes from the previous School Council and Fundraising Society meeting, held on February 21, can be found by clicking on this link: https://rosemontschoolcouncil.blogspot.ca/2018/03/february-2018-rosemont-school-council.html

School Council Agenda

Fundraising Society Agenda

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

2018/2019 Extra-Curricular Activities/Programming Survey

Last spring, the School Council and Rosemont Fundraising Society (RFS) created a list of potential activities, grouped in to seven key areas, where we saw room for growth and support from council/RFS. With Ms. Bobenic’s leadership, our hard-working staff and parent volunteers have made significant progress in each area.  We reviewed and renewed our support for these “key areas” at our February council meeting.  As part of our review, we asked council members to complete a survey indicating the importance they place on each area. If you would like to participate in the survey, please go to this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TD5SDMP.  The survey will remain open until the next council/fundraising meeting (March 21, 2018).  The following list outlines the areas -roughly in order of importance to members:

  1. Science and STEM (progress includes: Scientists in schools, 5/6 science fair, robotics, Mathletics subscription) 
  2. Sports (progress includes: soccer program, Alien-in line).  Members expressed an interest in sports that are less mainstream, for instance ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, etc).  Members also suggested purchasing additional sporting equipment for use during gym or recess.
  3. Culture and Creative Arts (progress includes: residency with author Cathy Bevridge, Quest Theatre performance “We Are All Treaty People”).  Members suggested adding storytelling and drama opportunities for students.
  4. Ground Improvement (progress includes: engaged landscape designers for conceptual drawings, school consultations will begin in the next few weeks.  We’re also exploring re-painting the blacktop with games).
  5. Clubs (new for this year: Robotics, Math, World Change club, Checkers, Gymnastics)
  6. Volunteerism and philanthropy (World Change Club, classroom activities)
  7. Reconciliation and understanding our shared history with Indigenous communities. (progress: This is a priority for the CBE and is being addressed through a variety of curriculum connections in the classroom.  The school is currently focussing on capacity-building at the teacher/administrative level.  The play “We Are All Treaty People” explores these themes.)
In addition, we added “Math and Coding” as a priority for 2018-2019, including hosting a 'Math Curriculum Parent Education Night' in the coming year.  If you are interested in helping to arrange a “Math Night” or would like to support any of the priority areas with your time or expertise, please contact Ms. Bobenic, Jodi Hughes (Council Chair) or Dan Collins (RFS President).  Better yet, join us at our next meeting on March 21st at 6:30!

February 2018 Rosemont School Council & Fundraising Society Minutes

Rosemont School Council

At the meeting, the results of the 2018-2019 priorities/activities survey was reviewed. There was group discussions among the attendees to determine if any priorities were missing. All parents are welcome to participate in the survey, please go to this link:


The survey will remain open until the next council/fundraising meeting (March 21, 2018).
Principal's report 
Here is a summary of Mrs. Bobenic's principal report:
  • School colors, branding, and school motto is done. The school motto is "Strength in Community".
  • Painting of common areas is complete.
  • Open House scheduled for Wednesday, March 7
  • Kindergarten early registration numbers are currently at 25 students for 2017/2018. Numbers are expected to increase as registration continues.
  • Fire doors at the school are to be replaced during spring break.
  • Cyber Security parent information night is scheduled for April 4th.
  • School science fair scheduled for April 27th.
  • Soccer residency at Rosemont school scheduled for May 30 - June 6.

Posted below are the recorded minutes from the February 21st Rosemont School Council (RSC) Meeting:

Rosemont Fundraising Society

Here are the highlights from the Rosemont Fundraising Society meeting:
  • Spring Fundraiser to be held on the evening of Saturday, June 2 at Rosemont Community Hall. Jill is looking for volunteers to help with this event.
  • Spolumbo's Fundriaiser to occur in March/April. Jill looking for volunteers to help organize this fundraiser.
  • The school grounds subcommittee received a $5000 grant application which will go towards the landscape architect master plan for the school grounds.
Posted below are the recorded minutes from the February 21st Rosemont Fundraising Society (RFS) Meeting: