Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Traffic Flow & Parking Zones at Rosemont School

Thank you to all parents who choose safety over convenience when driving children to school. Here are a few friendly reminders about traffic and parking at the school:
  • Last year, parents agreed to ease congestion in the alley by treating it as a one way street moving eastbound (see map below for red arrows indicating traffic flow in the alley).
  • Please do not stop/park in the back alley lane to drop off children. Instead, please use the parking stalls along the fence for unloading or loading students.
  • The staff parking lot is restricted to staff only. By City of Calgary bylaw, loading and unloading students in the staff parking lot is prohibited.
  • Please do not park in the posted fire lane at the north west end of the parking stalls in the back alley.
  • In the alley, remember the speed limit is 15 km/hr.
  • At the front of the school, please do not obstruct and drop off children at the crosswalk or bus zone (see map below for green zones showing suggested street side parking).
  • Cars may not block people's driveways and cars may not be parked in the alley in a way that they obstruct intended two-way traffic.
Here is a map showing the suggested traffic flow in the alley, the restricted parking and loading/unloading areas, and the recommended drop off zone for students.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Rosemont School Council and Fundraising Society Meeting - Wednesday, January 17

All parents are welcome to attend the Rosemont School Council (RSC) and Fundraising Society (RFS) meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 2018. The meetings are held in the Rosemont School library. The Parent Council will meet first at 6:30PM, followed by the Fundraising Society at 7:30 PM.

The Rosemont Parent Council and Fundraising Society will be offering complimentary child care for the meeting. It is by RSVP only as we have limited spots available and is only open to school aged children. Please click on this link to register for the free babysitting: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054ca9ac2fa6f85-complimentary1

The Fundraising Coordinator (Jill) will give an update on the upcoming Spring Fundraiser Art event. Also, the Ground Improvement Committee lead (Hanna) will be providing an update on the committee’s work to date. If you are interested, please click on this link to view the power point presentation from the Ground Improvement Committee (we will not be going through this in detail at the meeting). Please bring your questions to the meeting tomorrow!

The School Council and Fundraising Society meetings are open to everyone. Simply attend council meetings and learn what is happening at our school (eg. Principal's report). You do not need to volunteer or sign up for committees in order to attend the meetings. Feel free to come late or leave early if you need to.

The minutes from the previous School Council and Fundraising Society meeting, held on November 22, can be found by clicking on this link:  https://rosemontschoolcouncil.blogspot.ca/2018/01/november-2017-rosemont-school-council.html

School Council Agenda

Fundraising Society Agenda

Fundraising Society Treasurer's Report

Friday, 12 January 2018

Ground Improvement Comittee Update

See the power point slide show for the latest update from the Ground Improvement Committee:

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

November 2017 Rosemont School Council & Fundraising Society Minutes

Rosemont School Council

Teacher's reports

The kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hector, gave a report of the castle investigation center time that has been going on in her classroom.

The Grade 1 classroom report, given by Mr. Careclakis and Ms. Amanda, showed:
  • Children working on a rubric to help students self assess their own writing
  • Math: numbers 0-20, count to 100, skip counting by 2, 5, and 10 
  • Social studies: family groups, Todd Parr art project to create illustration of families
  • Science: creating colors, using chromatography paper dip in water and separate colors, seasonal changes
Mr. Careclakis gave an update on the learning commons space. He showed pictures of the type of bookshelves that they would like to purchase. The new shelves have castors and will replace some of the stationary older shelves. This will give a flexible and more accessible space.

Principal's report

The Principal's report discussed the many different events that occurred since the last meeting and the upcoming events to happen in December:
  • School Development plan (SDP) to be posted on the school website. Click here for the SDP report.
  • Accountability pillar survey was discussed. Click here for results of the PAT's and Accountability Pillar survey.
  • Painting of the common areas to be done in the next few weeks with zero VOC paint.
  • School branding and colors work is ongoing. School colors to be red and grey. Final logo in place by December.
  • Teachers attended a math professional development day with Queen Elizabeth school in regards to complex math problems for elementary kids.
  • Season of giving to be held in mid December.
  • Ready to purchase robotics for January.

Halloween party at the Rosemont Community center was well attended with a total count of 312 people. It was suggested to form sub-committees to organize food/beverages, games, crafts for future Halloween party.

Child care provided at the School council and Fundraising meetings are not getting the expected numbers. It was suggested to keep it going for two more meetings (January and February) and to open it up to younger children (preschoolers). Eventually, the plan is for Grade 6 students to do the babysitting.

Babysitting and Home alone course at the school, provided by Child Safe Canada, requires 10 children to be registered. It is recommended for the course to run on Friday afternoons.

A fun lunch program was discussed at the meeting. Jodi is looking for volunteers to organize and to help with distributing the lunches.

Here are the recorded minutes from the November 22 Rosemont School Council (RSC) Meeting:

Rosemont Fundraising Society

The Treasurer's report discussed funds raised and spent since the last meeting:
  • Farm to School and Balzac meat fundraiser brought in $2000 less then last year. 
  • There was a motion to approve up to $7000, of the unrestricted funds, for moveable shelving units for the Library Commons space. This will make the library commons space a more accessible and flexible area.
  • There was a motion to approve funds to continue babysitting for both the January and February Council/Fundraising meeting. The plan is to advertise the babysitting service and to open it up to younger preschool aged children.
  • The school is finalizing the purchase of Ozobots and Spheros that will be ready to go in January. This is the first phase and the robotics are funded by the Curricular Enhancement money raised by the Fundraising Society casino.
The Fundraiser Coordinator discussed an adult only fundraiser event to be held on a weekend night (Friday or Saturday) in the spring (date to be determined). The event will be an art lottery where you have the chance to win a painting canvass produced by the students at Rosemont school. The students will work with Marcia Harris to produce one canvass per class. The tickets purchased to attend the event is the lottery ticket to win one of ten canvasses. Food and beverages (cash bar) will be served at the event. The funds raised will go towards the construction of an outdoor amphitheater.

An update from the school ground subcommittee mentioned there was six RFP's sent out to architects to give quotes on the master landscape plan. More details are recorded in the meeting notes below.

Here are the recorded minutes from the November 22 Rosemont Fundraising Society (RFS) Meeting: