Tuesday, 30 May 2017

May 2017 Rosemont School Council and Fundraising Minutes

Posted below are the minutes from the Rosemont School Council (RSC) and Fundraising Society (RFS) Meeting held on May 17, 2017.

The Principal's report outlines next years classroom configuration, changes to the bell times (9:10 am - 3:50 pm), changes to transportation/school fees, and updates on the school construction this summer. Please note, the school playground will be off limits this summer due to the construction.

Rosemont School Council Minutes

 Rosemont Fundraising Minutes

The next School Council meeting will be held in the fall on Wednesday, September 20, 2017. All parents are welcome to attend the meeting and meet the new School Council and Fundraising Board members for the 2017/2018 school year.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Rosement School Council and Rosemont Fundraising Society (RFS) Annual General Meeting.

Wednesday, May 17th is the final meeting of the Rosemont School Council and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Rosemont Fundraising Society. Both meetings will be held at the school in the Library starting at 6:30 pm. The School Council meeting will go first at 6:30 and then the Fundraising Society AGM will follow.

As this is the last meeting of the year, feel free to bring a snack to share if you would like.

For Rosemont School Council Meeting we will have an opportunity to meet the new principal and get the latest update from the teachers.

At the Annual General Meeting, we will discuss and vote on next year’s budget and Board of Directors, and hear updates from the Fundraising and Naturalization Committees. The Board is currently accepting nominations for Secretary and for one Director

Rosemont Fundraising Society (RFS)

There has been some questions about who is a member of Fundraising Society. All parents are members just by showing up!

The Fundraising Society organizes casinos and other fundraisers (such as Master Meats and Spolumbos) and works with the principal to decide how to spend the funds. Fundraising Society helps support residencies, field trips, agendas, technology investments, and social events (like the Halloween Party and Movie Night). This year, Fundraising Society contributed toward the new school-wide math curriculum.

Please come and add your voice to what we should support at the school.

Fundraising Society Agenda
Annual General Meeting

Goal of Society:
To generate funds to create an optimal learning environment for our 21st century learners.  This includes facilitating information literacy and generating global awareness among all students, allowing students to represent understanding in multiple forms, and ensuring that students learn to become critical thinkers.  Funds raised through the society will be used to purchase books, equipment, update technology, hire guest instructors/artists in residence, fund field trips, etc.

Date:                   Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Location:            Rosemont School library

Time:                   7:30 PM

----- AGENDA ---

  1. Call Meeting to Order - AGM


  1. Approval of Agenda


  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting

  1. Business Arising from Minutes


  1. Treasurer’s Report
·         Approval of Unrestricted/Restricted budget
Melanie Gallant

  1. Fundraiser Coordinator’s Report:
·         Confirm dates for Fundraising Activities in 2017/2018
Jill Carlson

  1. Casino Update
Kirsten Pugh, Kim Hurtig

  1. Executive and Board Election 2017/2018
-       President (Dan Collins)
-       VP (Esther Warren)
-       Mel Gallant (Treasurer)
-       Secretary (Vacant)
-       Board (John Hsu)
-       Board (Vacant)

  1. Meeting Adjourned


Next Meeting
September 2017


Treasurer's Report

Proposed budget for voting

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

April 2017 Rosemont School Council and Fundraising Minutes

Posted below are the minutes from the Rosemont School Council (RSC) and Fundraising Society (RFS) Meeting held on April 19, 2017.

Rosemont School Council Minutes

 Rosemont Fundraising Minutes

The next School Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 17 and it will be the Annual General Meeting. At the Annual General Meeting, we will discuss and vote on next year’s budget and Board of Directors, and hear updates from the Fundraising and Naturalization Committees. The Board is currently accepting nominations for Secretary and for one Director.