Wednesday, 23 November 2016

CBE online survey for schools impacted by new school openings

Schools Impacted by New School Openings

​​The opening of 15 new Calgary Board of Education schools in the 2016-17 school year means changes for many of our existing schools. Over the past year the CBE has been gathering feedback from those affected by possible changes to the future use of learning space.

The online survey is available for parents, students, staff and the general public to provide feedback on the scenarios being considered for the future use of learning space. Please take the time to fill out the Area 1 and 2 survey by selecting the link . The online survey will be open until Dec. 5, 2016.
Schools in Are​​a​​​​s I an​​d II

  • Georges P. Vanier School
  • North Haven School
  • Simon Fraser School
  • Simons Valley School
  • Sir John A. Macdonald School
  • Tom Baines School

  • Cambrian Heights School
  • Captain John Palliser School
  • Colonel Irvine School
  • Colonel Macleod School
  • Edgemont School

Review the Area I and II scenarios, rationale and enrollment projections for the proposed scenarios and projected enrollment numbers.

One of the scenarios the CBE is considering is for the Regular program, at Colonel Irvine Junior High School, to be moved to Sir John A. MacDonald Junior High School. This means the Home Area students (Rosemont, Cambrian Heights, Highwood, North Haven) will have to travel longer distances to attend Junior High.
More information about the changes can be found at the links of the CBE Engagement Sessions on the schools impacted by new openings:

Monday, 14 November 2016

Parent Council and Fundraising Society Meeting - Wednesday, November 16

All parents are welcome to attend the Parent Council and Fundraising Society meeting on Wednesday, November 16. The meetings are held in the Rosemont School library and start at 6:30 pm. The agendas for both meetings are listed below.   

At the Parent Council meeting, we will get a chance to see the new math materials recently purchased by the school and we will also be discussing the School Development Plan. 

There will also be a discussion about the potential changes to the area junior high schools. More information about the changes can be found at the CBE Schools impacted by new openings website and the scenarios proposed by the CBE. One of the scenarios the CBE is considering is for the Regular program, at Colonel Irvine Junior High School, to be moved to Sir John A. MacDonald Junior High School. This means the Home area students (Rosemont, Cambrian Heights, Highwood, North Haven) will have to travel longer distances to attend Junior High.

Fundraising Society Agenda

Goal of Society:
To generate funds to create an optimal learning environment for our 21st century learners.  This includes facilitating information literacy and generating global awareness among all students, allowing students to represent understanding in multiple forms, and ensuring that students learn to become critical thinkers.  Funds raised through the society will be used to purchase books, equipment, update technology, hire guest instructors/artists in residence, fund field trips, etc.

Date:                   Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Location:            Rosemont School library
Time:                  6:30 p.m.

----- AGENDA ---
  1. Call Meeting to Order
Dan Collins

  1. Approval of Agenda

Dan Collins

  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting

JJ Kayande
Click here for the October minutes.
  1. Business Arising from Minutes
a)     Open Positions

JJ Kayande
Update of positions filled and review remaining positions open
  1. Treasurer’s Report
Mel Gallant
Click Here for Treasurer's Report 
Update on Financial Position & continue Math improvement funding discussion
  1. Fundraising update
Master Meat & Farm to School, Lables, Halloween and others
  1. Q&A (if time available)

  1. Meeting Adjourned


  1. Next Meeting
November 19, 2016


Parent Council Agenda

School Councils provide a means for parents and community to work together with administration, staff and students, to promote the well-being and overall effectiveness of the school community. Its main role is advisory.
  1. To help build a sense of community within Rosemont School.
  2. To develop and promote our school’s presence within the larger community.
  3. To promote parent involvement at Rosemont School.
  4. To enhance the educational experiences of students at Rosemont School.
  5. To develop a school financial plan to support chosen initiatives.

Date:                   Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Location:            Rosemont School library
Time:                  7:30 p.m.

----- AGENDA ---
        1.   Call Meeting to Order 
Welcome and Introductions

        2.  Approval of Agenda


3.   Approval of Minutes from last meeting

 Click here for the October minutes.
        4.   Business Arising from Minutes 


        5.   Teachers Report

        6.   Principal’s Report
Math items are in!
SDP update
        7.   CBE Outreach
        8.   Stephen’s Backpacks
Discussion & Vote
        9.   Meeting Adjourned


10. Next Meeting
January 28 2017

Topic: TBD